Sep 24, 2020
An unusual solo show this week. We have an introduction from me and then it's a recording of a classic Michael Parenti lecture, Conspiracy and Class Power, which you can also find in the show notes.
Speaking of show notes, they're rather extensive everywhere but YouTube, and best found at the actual post page.
Sep 14, 2020
This week, we continue to play with some novel show formats. I am joined by three of the conveners of the upcoming Nura Learning course, Cohering the Radical Present: Integral Consciousness in Daily Life. We have two first time guests:
Sep 8, 2020
Keeping the swapcast train rolling this week, we are joined by author and fellow podcaster (obviously), J. David Osborne. David is the author of multiple novels and is a fellow superfan of Grant Morrison's The Invisibles.
Who better, then, to talk about the series' heightened value in These Capitalised Times, as well as...