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Learning Magic and Animism in a Global Context -

Jan 30, 2020

Dr Al Cummins returns to the show to talk about his upcoming publication, An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magick -a 16th century English grimoire written by colonial explorers and navigators, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and John Davis.

Along the way we talk necromancy, spirits and Empire, and scrying. A superb chat.


Jan 24, 2020

Cognitive science researcher, Vince Polito, joins us this week to speak about microdosing, psychedelics in a clinical setting, and the direction and implications of this sort of work for our understanding of the human mind.

School is in! Except this time I am paying attention.

Show Notes

Jan 1, 2020

The one and only Conner Habib returns for our traditional New Years discussion.

Necromancy, witchcraft and whiteness, manufactured outrage, dialectical materialism and how to free yourself from the clutches of neoliberalism.

Just what the time of year called for!

Show Notes