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Learning Magic and Animism in a Global Context -

Jul 31, 2020

Thought leader, speaker and innovator, Carol Sanford, joins the show this week. We discuss indigenous thinking, metaphor, and her latest book, The Regenerative Life: Transform Any Organization, Our Society, and Your Destiny.

A fascinating and eye-opening discussion.

Show Notes

Jul 22, 2020

One of our most popular guests returns to the show this week. Mitch is an historian, speaker, public intellectual, editor and author. He joins us today to talk about his latest book, The Miracle Habits: The Secret of Turning Your Moments Into Miracles.

We talk about focus, vitality, how best to use money and...

Jul 11, 2020

Time Magazine's Hero of the Environment and Green Book Award winner, Michael Shellenberger, joins the show this week.

Michael has been an environmental activist since his teens. He founded an Amnesty International chapter at his high school, he travelled to Nicaragua to support the Sandinistas in the 80s, he ran for...

Jul 3, 2020

Talking about talking is less Seinfeldian than it might initially appear.

Everyone's favourite Canadian scamps join the show to talk about their journey with Grimerica and what's it like to be broadcasting now, versus at the outset. Obviously we get into the speculative weeds of what's going on and what we can do about...