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Learning Magic and Animism in a Global Context -

Jul 29, 2023

One of my favourite guests returns to the show this week for a scintillating and freewheeling dive into the perennial question of whether there are aliens in the Bible. Author, researcher, psychonaut and hypnotist Danny Nemu.

The impetus for this discussion is a book and a thesis that’s been translated out of Italian...

Jul 21, 2023

This week's solo show is a necessary side quest in our AI series up into space and out into the future.

It's also a standalone exploration of:

  • Understanding 'big' or archetypal stories, such as zodiac signs and planets, as containing all stories.
  • Using longer cycles to formulate timing and meaning. 
  • What is yours to do...

Jul 16, 2023

This is one of the most fascinating discussions I have had this year. For centuries, people have speculated as to the formulation of the legendary substance of the Gods known as soma. It's something I have kept my eye on for a couple of decades now.

And, as far as I can tell, Dr Etminan's research is the best pointer in...

Jul 1, 2023

The one, the only Christopher Knowles returns to the show this week for a breezy romp through our near-term future. No, seriously. The end of the west offers perhaps the best time in centuries to be a weird kid.

Chris and I talk about the latest UFO nonsense, modern parallels to the fall of Rome, just how long collapses...